Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is this suicide... Yes or No

1- If a man jumps in front of a car and thereby saves the life of a child, does he commit suicide?
2- When Ghandi starved himself almost to death to change people's thinking and behaviours as well as to make his point and philosophy clear, did he commit suicide?
3- When Jesus refused to answer Pontius Pilatus, did he commit suicide?
4- if a man stops his heart medication and drowns himself by drinking gallons of water, thinning his blood and putting his life at risk, because he does not believe in secrecy but in full transparency and co-operation in solving problems, does he commit suicide? 

What is YOUR answer....?

Monday, May 25, 2015

The legal fraternity never fails to surprise me...

The scene: A last Will wherein 3 capable Executors are nominated by the deceased.
The "legal practitioner" appointed to do the legal paper work in cold blood asks the Executors to sign a Power of Attorney with the following wording: "We (the appointed executors)appoint "the legal practitioner" as our agent granting unto him full power of attorney to deal with all aspects of the winding up of the estate in our place and stead just as though he was appointed in the first place ".  If this is not hijacking then I don't know what is.
Basically the legal practitioner is asking them to step aside and put himself in and out of the picture! Nice he?

There are two meanings to the word "Executor":
1- The man in the street understands it to mean: “A person appointed to make sure that the last will of the deceased is respected and executed” No shenanigans please!
2- Some legal practitioners give the word a different meaning... they see this as "Lots of Money to be earned for little work!"

You see an Executor is entitled to a reward for looking after the deceased last Will.
It does not mean that the Executor must take or accept the reward.
We are not looking at peanuts here... in South Africa, the legal practitioner will ask for at least 3,9% of the value of the Estate. Converting some of those values into cash is even more rewarding, 5% upwards of such cash...

And still there are people who blindly believe…

Just tell me where...

Yes, that is how the future Inland Revenue's Department yearly form will start...

The I.R.D. (Inland Revenue Department, SARS in South Africa) at first asked thousands of questions on their form.
Problem was that someone had to read the answers and as people are not particularly good at filling forms, it was found that this was after all not such a good idea. True!

So then "they" decided to "shift" the responsibility for revenue collection to the employer (P.A.Y.E. - Pay as you earn) was born.
Brilliant! That sure solved their cash flow. It was strengthened to the nth degree and they could hammer the employer.
Still at the end of the year one needs to check whether employers have been "kosher". So what do "they" do now? they send you a simplified form. How much did you earn? How and please tell us how much did your boss take from you... etc.

But very soon, as ALL your money will be an entry in a computer somewhere the form will read as follows:

"Please tell us where ALL your money is as we want to lay our hands on it?"
The next step will be : "Where is your money?"
Finally: "We have got it..."

Soon your money will be out of your control...

Ah ja? How so?
I am not going to give a lecture on the origin of "money".
However, money as we know has over the years been metamorphosed.
First you could hold it in your hands, feel and count it.
Then it became "near money" (credit, something that you were allowed to use to buy whatever you wanted).
And now your "money" is in the process of being replaced by "a computer entry".

What this means is that you are now dependent on something over which you have absolutely NO CONTROL!
You no longer trust your bank? How are you going to withdraw your money from the bank when the bank's computer is down? A "run" on the bank is no longer possible! The bank can stop it in a second!

Already in Europe there are steps to stop the use of money altogether. In Greece the government wants consumers to pay amounts over Euro 70 by card or EFT!

And as you know, the technology exists already to by just presenting your cell phone at the till.
And then... what happens when there is no electricity? Your cell phone's battery is flat?
Your cell phone has just been stolen? Your bank card is at home / not renewed?

Money is no longer wanted... When you deposit it you must pay the bank to keep it for you even though they will lend it to someone else at a huge profit! Money for jam, no pun intended...

You used to do your banking inside, then the banks made you do it outside (f.o.c. at first). Now?  They make you pay for the card... and the prcie keeps on going up and up...

And so gradually the control over YOUR money has shifted away from you to the bank.
And the control of the banks is in the hands of ... excellent question!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Paying for time...

is a waste of money and invites / encourages inefficiency!
What possible incentive could a person have when he is assured a certain amount of money per hour / day for doing a job?
Has it ever occurred to you that those people or professions are the least efficient ones in obtaining results? Their objective is not to solve problems but to keep the problem going, going, going on and on.
Visualise this: See a man pulling a cow by its horns and another pulling the cow by its tail.
Who is sitting at the udders and milking the cow?

Friday, May 22, 2015

Ever heard this nonsense: Speed kills?

Indeed utter nonsense. Speed does not kill.
If speed were to kill and the statement true, than the Autobahns in Germany should daily be littered with corpses!
Why aren't they? Simple.
There is a minimum speed of 120km and no maximum speed. This means that whoever drives on the German Autobahn concentrates on driving. Their minds are totally focused on the road, in front, sides and back. Their attention is not on the music, the news on the radio or the passenger yakking away happily. They keep both hands on the steering wheel. They never enter the Autobahn in an inebriating state or drugged.
No, drivers on the autobahn in Germany are aware that driving there is serious business.
Did I say serious business?

Driving is indeed serious business but how often doesn't one see people taking their eyes of the road by looking at their passenger, waving excitedly with their one hand and mostly concentrating on everything but the road ahead, side or back...
Speed does not kill! People do...

And I am not even mentioning those idiots who drive under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of a drug.
Some smoke while driving, eat or drink, others sing, whistle or sway with the music...They look at the sky, the scenery everywhere except on the road. Some even take "selfies" while driving! They are not focused on driving. Their focus is on everything but the road.
In their mind, the road is boring, very boring and in order not to fall asleep, they need to divert their attention. Driving is not something that one does consciously, no one does that automatically... like some reflex...

Driving a serious business? Not to them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Banking the African way…

When a need is not satisfied, desperate people will search and invent a solution.
And so, the African mind has solved its banking problem. Ingenuous really.
They now use the cell phone to pay each other.

You buy cell phone time at your Cell phone provider. When you need to pay someone, you just transfer the equivalent amount to the other person’s cell phone.
Bingo, you bypassed the bank, Vat etc. and you don’t need to carry loads of cash on you.
Your phone has become your bank!


Marriage is like…...

A 45 gallon drum in which one has deposited two big boulders and sealed these inside the drum.
Married life starts when after the honeymoon, life gets hold of the drum and starts rolling the drum.

The boulders will bump against each other and pieces of the boulders will chip off. As the boulders bump against the sides of the drum, so again pieces are chipped off.
Over time, the boulders have somewhat been reduced in size and are increasingly resembling a perfect ball. The pieces that have chipped off have become a fine sand that grinds and polishes the boulders.

The boulders will continue to bump against each other and the sides. Only now, they no longer hurt each other so much. Life has taught also many a lesson and one has learned how to cope with the vicissitudes of life.

And then disasters strikes… One boulder completely disintegrates and turns into more sand. I cannot imagine a more horrible experience than “Death”.

The remaining boulder now has to survive alone. No other boulder protects it. It is alone, lonely, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year, relentlessly so…

And that is where I am now...

Death has robbed me of my wife.
Life without my wife is useless, boring, lonely and horrible.
The horrible thing about death is that it is permanent.
I am thankful that she did not suffer.
Her death was as painless at it was sudden and instantaneous.

My heart goes out to all who cry the loss of a loved one.
I know how you feel...