Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Who does not need to discipline?

A true leader does not need to discipline.
The exemplary way of living says and does it all.

How many true leaders do you know?

Are you able to….

Look at yourself, in a detached manner, in the eyes, in the mirror for two hours?
And what do you see then?


Is plea-bargaining not a form of blackmail and or corruption?
Does it instill respect for the judiciary, police and the law?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Who is right?

The one who kills? The one being killed?

Wrong Perception

There is an unfortunate perception in some Public Servants' and Citizens' mind.

They think that the Citizen is at the service of Public Servants. It is the other way around...

Public servants conveniently forget that it are the Citizens who pay their salaries, including freebies. Therefore, it stands to reason that if they do not want to “serve” the public, they should resign and look elsewhere for a job / career.

Citizens by their action of non involvement, accept, tolerate and encourage poor service.

So what … who cares?

1- A man in Soweto has an argument with his girl friend. Locks her up with her 2-week-old baby, douses the room with petrol and sets the lot alight. So what … who cares?
2- A community in Kwazulu-Natal objects to women wearing trousers! They undress the women to their briefs, flog them, humiliate and insult them. So what … who cares?
3- Millions of women are not allowed to show their faces in public and must hide them behind a veil. So what … who cares?
4- A child of 5 months is raped in South Africa. So what … who cares?
5- A child is raped every "x" minutes in South Africa. So what … who cares?
6- A woman is raped every "y" minutes in South Africa. So what … who cares?
7- Robert Mugabe kills Zimbabweans, starves them to death and robs them of their human rights. So what … who cares?
8- Genocide in Rwanda. So what … who cares?
9- Genocide in Dafur, millions displaced. So what … who cares?
10- Millions left homeless through floods in China. So what … who cares?
11- Politicians take drugs. So what … who cares?
12- What ever happens to my neighbour. So what … who cares?

As long as:

1- It is done to your own kind i.e. white on white; black on black; yellow on yellow etc. it is O.K.
2- “I” live, have to eat, have a roof over my head, a job, to hell with the rest of the world.
Well-done Homo Sapiens. You are now civilised!