Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Sunday, July 27, 2008


awakened by pleasure, suffering, pain and death only become real and meaningful when it affects one directly.

Years ago, a friend lost his wife...
As it (sadly) happened, one of his friends came to loose in turn his wife a week later .

I heard the first widower, when hugging his friend, say: " I understand you!"
The answer was: " I know that you know!"

Unfinished sentences...

Justice for all ...who can afford it!

An injury to one is an injury to all ...our members only!

Forget and forgive ...but don't expect me to do it!

Be reasonable it my way!

Do as I say ...what I do is none of your business!

Honesty is the best policy ... but it gets you nowhere!

The law is an ass ... and those that practice it? Ass.....!

Being corrupt,dishonest is not a sin... being caught is!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I always thought ...

That one murder was one too many! Stupid of me.

I now learned that to get rid of a Head of State in Office, one must prove that he is responsible for the murder or death of 300.000 of his nationals and +- 2.000.000 people displayed.

Ah well at least a start is made... maybe over time, the figure will come down? How many bastards head of State have blood on their hands and get away with it, scotch free, feasted by their colleagues and the International community?

And then you expect me to respect these "leaders"?

Come on, just visualise one of those murdered to be your mother, father, daughter or son.

Death is a very personal experience. Murder, even more so...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Some say...

That I have no respect for Politicians, Lawyers, Judiciary, Provincial and Municipal Managers!

Should I have?

Do you?

Respect must be earned and cannot be demanded.

The cover does not make the book.

Anarchism? Judge for yourself...

The most beautiful word and thinking that is insulted by ... the media and politicians alike. Why? Here is why...The comments in cursive and between ( )are meant to encourage thinking.

First the word: Anarchy comes from the Greek word “Anarkhos” which means: “without a ruler”(not very palatable language...)!

As the name implies, anarchism begins with a positive rather than a negative view of the individual, a conviction that human nature is, if not inherently good, then at the very least inherently co-operative (not the example that our leaders give us...the rot starts at the top...). Given the opportunity, human beings are capable of right and moral actions, without undue assistance from outside forces (you know what I mean, those corrupt power hungry outside forces).

Society should be shaped to suit people and not the other way around. Myriad of laws (created by politicians and lawyers for politicians and lawyers) regulations (for them to hide behind) and penalties (to coerce the men on the street) are largely superfluous (but keep them in power and business of course).
All forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished (wow, now you are talking!).

Anarchism is a political system par excellence that begs for a non-authoritarian order of society with laws that are not imposed from above but emerge from below ( you have to be joking, taking bread out of their plate?).

The anarchist:

--> Strives for equality and justice with independence and the recognition of the individual.(not that some should be less equal than others...)
--> Opposes the exploitation of man by man and the dominion of man over man (child labour, pimps, financial slavery are out!).
--> Believes that the freer a person is the more he is able to enter into community with others (No, we are not out of our mind? So called democracy (i.e. hidden dictatorships)rule because they divide).
--> Wants his natural desire for freedom to be respected and protected from any coercion or imposition of authority from whatever source (Do not lock up those who do not agree. We do not accept genocide, xenophobia).
--> Says that leaders have to be catalyst of man’s natural instinct and midwives to self-liberation (The populace is not there to satisfy bestial instincts).
--> Knows that all political power inevitably creates a privilege position(When will the person who said:“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely! receive the Nobel Price posthumouously?”)!
--> Accepts that human nature is inherently good, if not then at least co-operative.
--> Does not entirely deny the role of authority in society.
--> Distinguishes between co-operation and coercion, between natural, spontaneous forms of authority and that which is excessive and usurped.

Authoritarianism or anything that promotes “unqualified obedience to authority” is anathema to the Anarchist.
Small is beautiful.
Governments as we know them are both unnecessary and harmful (That is for sure).
A predominant characteristic of an anarchist is gentleness.

Known anarchists? Aldous Huxley, George Orwell (Orwellism), Leo Tolstoy. The anarchist par excellence: Mahatma Gandhi. These were all remarkable compassionate men with a great love for humanity.

Violent anarchists? Of course there have been. Name me one religion, political philosophy that has not resorted to violence.

Violence in my opinion is always a result from frustration brought about not by the anarchist but by government and those in power, or those seeking power or wanting to maintain their power.

Anarchists do not seek centralized power; their critique is sound and their objectives and beliefs admirable.

To (mis)quote JFK: "Ich bin ein Anarchist!"

What? Did you say democracy?

Sorry, but that is a fallacy! It only exists in a few country (see my blog with title "The Economist" and others).

The majority of countries, run by two parties are just concealed dictatorships.

Concealed because the Power behind the throne is unknown. Whatever party is in power, the same power guides it and kicks it in place. There may be a slight detour on the road, but the end goal is still the same: "World domination by a few".

Give me a dictatorship. You don't like him? Get rid of him and get another one.

The best political system...? Read the blog on ANARCHISM! You will like it!

Serving the nation or ...

Playing chess? The greatest majority of politicians are chess players with the man on the street (note not on the ground) being the pawns.
These so-called politicians (especially those from Africa) travel around the world, are waited upon like lords (which they are not), bla-bla in circles without saying anything, eat nice foods, drink nice drinks, stay in top hotels, get kick backs, scratch each others back and cover each others asses (just in case!

Back at the ranch, they have to work? Work did you say? What is that?

Some are even President of a country and have "their" own private plane, paid by the tax payer of course. They believe in quiet diplomacy to keep their brother who is a despot, dictator and murderer, in power.

World poverty, escalating food prices, who cares? The world is certainly not short of poor people!

It is a nice excuse to "call for a world meeting" and feast...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hypocrites you are...

Yes and maybe you should be called murderers too.

Apartheid is dead .... long live Apartheid! South Africa has found acceptable words for this: "Restituting Actions", "Empowerment" are some used daily.

Some, even found the ultimate word with reference to Zimbabwe: QUIET DIPLOMACY! Have you ever?

And the word par excellence, Monsieur, is---> "The Untouchables"!

Nobel price for: "Inventive (un)acceptable disgraceful inhumane word" must go to India.

Deafening, murdering silence from UNO - EU - AU (of course...) and others who claim to believe in Human Rights!

Including the Human Rights commissions throughout the Planet!

I.T. and E.T to what purpose?

Dogs run after buses, and guess what the dog does when the bus stops...? Is I.T. used to find E.T. for the same purpose or... could it be, that "some" knowing that one day this earth will be destroyed, they will run away and save their skins? At our expense, of course!