Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Just tell me where...

Yes, that is how the future Inland Revenue's Department yearly form will start...

The I.R.D. (Inland Revenue Department, SARS in South Africa) at first asked thousands of questions on their form.
Problem was that someone had to read the answers and as people are not particularly good at filling forms, it was found that this was after all not such a good idea. True!

So then "they" decided to "shift" the responsibility for revenue collection to the employer (P.A.Y.E. - Pay as you earn) was born.
Brilliant! That sure solved their cash flow. It was strengthened to the nth degree and they could hammer the employer.
Still at the end of the year one needs to check whether employers have been "kosher". So what do "they" do now? they send you a simplified form. How much did you earn? How and please tell us how much did your boss take from you... etc.

But very soon, as ALL your money will be an entry in a computer somewhere the form will read as follows:

"Please tell us where ALL your money is as we want to lay our hands on it?"
The next step will be : "Where is your money?"
Finally: "We have got it..."


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