Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Literacy is ....

All very well provided people are taught to THINK and QUESTION what they are reading. When you read without questioning you allow yourself to be brainwashed and become brain dead.

I am afraid that few people, including highly educated ones, think. It is so much easier to just accept what is dished out as truth or news.

Thinking demands an effort, an enquiring mind and practice.

It is so much easier to just accept...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Big Bang...

"Which" Big Bang are scientist looking for?

The "Big Bang" theory assumes that TIME exists. That is a fallacy. We experience time, yes, but that does not mean that it exists. We say it exists because we experience movement. And we see movement because we experience time. The one depends on the other.

Einstein "proved" that time is relative. A step in the right direction...

One way to understand what I mean is this: Draw a line.
Now ask anyone: If you were to draw a never-ending line from one point, where will you eventually land up? The chances are that you will get this answer:"Where I started".
True. That is because you never left that point. In fact each point on the line is the same as the previous/next one. So your position on the line has no significance to the existence or not of the previous or next one. Had you not drawn the line, there would be no point.

Back to the Big Bang! Live the moment (if you can) and you will experience no time, no movement, no Big Bang.
Believe that time and movement exists, and you will find that the universe is full of Big Bangs... so which one are they looking for?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Financial crisis...

Economists say that money must roll.
I say:
1) No, heads must! To walk away with huge bonusses and severance packages after creating and leaving a destroyed (financial)world behind is reason enough to be called "a crime against humanity"!
2) Let those that have the money "roll" the money! They are wiser: they invest their money! It is left to the poor and middle class to make money roll. In doing so they run the risks and carry the piper.