Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Democracy... That often heard sacred word ...

The term has its origin according to Wikipedia from:
...the Greek word δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) "rule of the people", which was coined from δῆμος (dēmos) "people" and κράτος (kratos) "power"

The so-called 'rule of the people' is in my opinion a misnommer. People no longer rule, their "representatives" do.
To make matters even worse, those representatives at times change "camps" midway... and obviously will not resign a lucrative position!

Laws are not created by the people (or their representatives) but by lawyers, in legalese, a language that even lawyers themselves do not understand (but keeps them very much in business).

The closest to "rule of the people" is in .... no, no not the USA but in Switserland.

You might say:"So what?" Well, I'll tell you what I suggest to get you thinking:
1- Voting must be compulsory (a duty and not just a right).
2- As a starting point, the Swiss system should be introduced.
3- The best brains should be engaged to improve the Swiss sytem.

Guess why this system is not universally accepted and used...

It means accountability, participation by the people...

Governments and Politicians hate accountability and participation.

They are like vultures who guard their prey.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Creating jobs ...

For an increasing population is impossible in a competitive system.
Why? Simply because competition forces manufacturers to reduce their variable costs and minimise their fixed costs.

This implies that manufacturers will automate their production facilities rather than employing humans. Machines are not unionised, do not strike, are not subject to holiday pay, social costs, pension, medical aid etc. Down-time and maintenance can be planned and controlled to suit. Machines can be put on short time or even disposed off or traded in when no longer useful, etc.

I have supplied industrial adhesives to motor assemblers, shoe- , furniture-, canning-, bottling-, clothing industry etc. all of these employing thousands of workers. To day most of these industries are computerised.

The agriculture industry is no better... I have, as a youngster, sowed seeds by spreading it with my hands. Harvesting with a scythe, a long fork used to gather the hay, loading and offloading hay on and off a wagon on a farm (heavy work!). I have milked cows by hand.
Today all this is done by machines (better than what I could do).

Name the industry, and you will find computerisation and machines.

And the biggest creator of UN-employment of all?
GOVERNMENTS and their power base: UNIONS

Maybe one needs to rethink ...could some of these suggestions work?

1- Managing and limiting population growth (especially in the third world).
2- Where possible, offer workers the opportunity to be paid by piece (as opposed to minimum wages). (A no-no for Unions!!!)
3- Discourage the investment in machines.
4- The employment of humans must be attractive as opposed to off-putting.
5- Successfull tenderers to government infrastructure work (roads, dams etc)should be selected from companies proving the employment of people in preference to machines. This must be monitored by the unsuccessful tenderers and transgressors heavily punished.
6- Bribery and corruption must be treated as high treason and carry the maximum penalty. UTOPIA the primus inter pares!
7- Donor aid countries must manage the donated funds, not the government of the recipient country. After all, donor countries are accountable to their tax payers for the money spent.

Anyone taking notice? Comment?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The world poor ...

population will just keep on increasing no matter what, unless...
Yes unless, the first and emerging economies stop:

1- Thinking in terms of GROWTH at all costs.
2- Wasting resources to satisfy their "lust" for comfort and self gratification.
3- Corrupting politicians in third world countries who must guarantee above board management of their countries.

And, ensures that in the very least:

1- Economic Aid given REACHES the POOR, giving them confidence and opportunity to develop their skills in their daily lives.

2- Sustainable population growth in poor countries is actively encouraged.

3- Growth in the first world is not financed by debt (i.e. consuming the future today).

4- They do not waste resources? Does every household need "x" number of TVs, cars, bicycle, cell phone, computer, Ipads, holidays, etc? Must products be packaged in a bigger container than necessary? Must the label be so elaborate? Must billions be spent DAILY on chatting to each other with cell phones? SMS? IPads? Do we need a new car every 2, 3 or 4 etc years? The list of waste is unending!

5- The poor are NOT kept poor by cleptocrats in developing countries. The corrupted must be punished. The briber must suffer the exact same punishment. Billions upon billions of Aid money has been given to corrupt politicians who have invested that same money in the first world country or at very best bought "unnecessary" goods for their country to keep them in power such as armaments (the most corrupt industry in the world!)

6- The poor are shown and taught how to earn a living, toil the soil, work and not waste the little money they have in unnecessary purchases.

One never makes a poor richer by taking from the rich.

One should not kill the proverbial goose that lays the golden egg.
Rather encourage it to lay more such eggs.

The world poor will always be with us unless we ...

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Who am I really...


Yes, precisely what is my identity?
What does it mean when I say: “I am”?
Who am I when I say: “I, am I”?

Well, I believe that I am a tiny manifestation/incarnation/part of :
-> “You” when I address you.
-> “ A Christian, Jew etc…..” when I speak of the Church/ Synagogue/Mosque/Temple.
-> “A Dutchman, Chinese, Lebanese, Kenyan etc. whatever when I am referring to a nation in my speech or thoughts etc.
-> A stone, mountain, the sky, the sea, the universe etc. when referring to these.

So whatever the thought or word uttered, that is WHO I am and part of it however infinitesimal small it may be.
That is why I respect all and …do unto others as I would … including not kicking a stone!

And when Jack Kennedy SAID in Berlin in 1963 ; “Ich bin ein Berliner” he told his audience in Berlin: “I am you”.

Is that difficult to understand?

Oh, you might well ask, and when you are not addressing anyone or thinking of anything? well then,
-> I am just a tiny physical manifestation / incarnation in and of the Universe.
To explain it differently: I am a part of the ocean, as a drop with the only specific role: “To be”.