Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Wednesday, July 05, 2017


We love beauty! A beautiful women, man, flowers, sight, whatever beauty awakens in us a sense of happiness, wellbeing and above all happiness.

Sadly though we judge books and looks by the beauty only. Behind the beauty, we assume all sorts of peaceful, loving feelings that in our inner heart we forget we too have.
We yearn for that beauty, peace and love.

We do not look inwards to find it. That is why we were given two eyes, to look outwards. Only a few know that the secret of the beauty, peace and love rests in our heart, waiting to be released and enjoyed.
By seeing the outer beauty, we are reminded to look inwards. We shopuld not stay focused on the outward expression of that outer beauty but rather pay attention to THE message.
Sad, but, oh so true, we have eyes but do not see.
Consumerism in today's modern society, the need for ownership, selfishness together with greed and pride has created a moral decayed society, driven by the desire for immediate satisfaction and temporal happiness.
We have become chickens, looking for the next piece of food that is fed us…
Does that mean that we should not longer look for beauty?

“Die Augen sind der Spiegel der Seele” is a German saying. It means that the eyes reflect the soul (inner self).
I would suggest that we show more our inner happy feelings with our eyes.
Mahatma Gandhi was not a beautiful outward looking well-dressed man. He influenced people by his actions, words and eyes.

Our eyes do not betray us...