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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Reserve Bank Options

Most Reserve Banks can control the creation of credit (money) in two ways:
1-By dictating to the banks the liquidity ratios they must maintain and /or by
2-Changing the Interest rate (up or down).

For some reason or other the Reserve Banks hardly ever use option 1 ! It is a pity because this option places the onus on banks to be more discrimate in giving credit to the consumer. This (honest)option has the advantage that it does not create hardship to the consumer already indebted to the banks. Their repayment amount and term does not change.

The second (regretably the preferred option) is to increase the interest rate. Every increase in the interest rate impacts negativily on the consumer. He or she now has to face and find an increased monthly repayment and / or a longer payment term. This is in my opinion not an honest way of dealing with the issue of limiting the formation of "money". The consumer suffers to the benefit of the banks.

Few people know this. A pity!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wessel's law -3

Any spring, accidentally falling from your hand, will in all probability be found within a radious of 200 cm

Wessel's law -2

Any round or roundish article, accidentally falling from your hand, will in all probability be found within a radious of 100 cm

Wessel's law -1

Any small article, not round(ish) or a spring, accidentally falling from your hand, will in all probability be found within a radious of 50 cm