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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Friday, January 01, 2016

Loneliness? ..."The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind." - Albert Einstein

How right he is...

Who said: "To understand and live with loneliness you need to live in peace with yourself and accept yourself as you are.”
I did.

Loneliness is not a condition nor is it a disease.
I see and experience it as an "État d'Être", loosely translated as a "State of Being"

What does a "State of Being" mean?
To me it means that you no longer try to compete with others, you no longer care (neither should you ever care in any case, of what others think).
One cannot satisfy the whole world.
Some have tried and paid a heavy price for it.
I do not want to be crucified, no thank you.

The majority in this world no longer resorts to nailing people on a cross... to day they nail you, if you let them, with words.
That is worse! So, learn to be free.
To be free means free of desires. Buddha said that "The need for ownership is a need that is never satisfied."

By all means improve yourself but accept your limitations, understand that ownership chains you to materialism and away from happiness.

Life teaches lessons the hard way. The hard way because that is how we learn and do not forget the valuable lessons.

The hard way can be through the sudden death of a loved one, as the loss of my wife. We were married for 50 years.
The ultimate proof of pure love is when you accept that the loss of the friendship / companionship / love of your wife / husband means the happiness and freedom of your loved one.

I console myself that my beloved wife lived in peace, in love with me, enjoyed life to the last 10 minutes to the fullest. I would not have wanted or desired a better way for her. The one moment here, the next... gone forever.

Her happiness is my suffering and loneliness... do you understand this blog now?

Has it ever occurred to you that as far as I know, all babies cry when they come into this world and yet few if any cry when they leave it?