Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Friday, February 25, 2011

A crazy world...

First there was discrimination against women...
Now there is discrimination against men...

Women can now attack a man, lie about it in an affidavit, get another female to write an affidavit with a similar lie.
You as a man stand no chance, you cannot even defend yourself.
You are sunk.

It happened to me that a woman, who believes that rules and laws do not apply to her, hit me over the head with a tennis racket at least twice, spat twice in my eye and tried to strangle me with the strap of my glasses. She let go when my glasses broke in her hand... She went to the police and wrote a false affidavit. Her girl friend produced also an affidavit (full of lies and embroidering on these...).
I laid a charge of serious criminal assault, attempted murder and provided the full story, pictures, the broken glasses and the handkecrhief which I had used to remove her spat from my eyes...the works... all in support of my case!

I had to fight in the Court room with the Magistrate (male)and the State Prosecutor (SP) and insisted on my rights to a fair court hearing. The State prosecutor (female, of course) refused to accept my motivation that both cases be heard as one: Same people, same event, virtually same witnesses.
After the Magistrate had stomped out in a rage, in the court room are the SP, a man dressed in a black frog and me.

I state that to do justice, the Magistrate has the following three options: 1) I am guilty or 2) the woman is guilty or 3) We BOTH are guilty! Logic isn't it? "Not so!" thinks this SP !

"Not so!", says the State prosecutor (SP)! Only two: Guilty or Not Guilty!

I predicted that come rain, come shine, whether I am found guilty or not, she the mighty SP will automatically withdraw my case against this woman.
"No", said the SP, "Each will be heard separately as they are separate cases. The one has nothing to do with the other!"

Then the SP accused me as follows: "You are wasting the Court's time". My response was immediate: " I am not, but you, you have the audacity to try to trample on my constitutional right to a fair and unbiased hearing!". The SP did not deny my accusation... As the argument leads nowhere I change subject and...

I now tackled the issue of document denial. This obviously displeased the SP no end. She had to agree... Miracle, miracle! The case had to be postponed because I had been denied all documents to which I am entitled.
The man in black all of a sudden wakes up and says that he is there to ensure that my rights are respected and if I want he will defend me (for a price of course). I tell him to go to hell as since he was there to protect my rights, he should have interfered earlier on. I will defend myself without your services!

The blatant discrimination proved too much for the Magistrate. he just had to poistpone the case again! The mighty SP was snookered!

The following court appearance was due a week later: The case I made against this woman!
The SP, knowing that this woman was in serious trouble now with her lies and that I will be able to prove this in Court, the SP after consultation with her, decided to withdraw the case against me.

And then... without consultation with me...

The SP send me a letter saying: Hand in hand with this, she, the mighty SP had withdrawn my case against the woman. Just like that! No consultation with me and summarily. A reversal of her earlier strong statement in Court!

Her charge against me: Grabbing her arm and twisting it (to remove the hand that held the tennis racquet).

My charge against the woman: Purposefully and with serious intent hitting me hard at least twice on the head with a tennis racket causing injury to my head and tongue, attempted murder by grabbing the cord holding my reading glasses that were hanging around my neck , twisting and pulling the cord hard with intent of strangling me, in the process breaking the frame, spitting me in my right eye twice and in so doing placing my eyesight and health at risk (cord, broken frame and handkerchief with her spit available as evidence).

Whoever still believes in justice... needs his head examined!

Maybe the worst of it all is that supposedly intelligent people in the village believe this woman...

This wopman incidentally drove an unlicenced vehicle for 4 years in the village under false pretences when accosted by traffic police and without valid visa or other permit. She was deported hopefully never to return! Good riddance.

Her friend..? Hates the living hell out of me since I met her mother to whom I told the full story.

I like dogs biut not all "female dogs"?

Do you know that ...

State prosecutors have immense powers, at times even way beyond their capabilities and know-how? For instance they:
--> Decide if and who is going to be prosecuted, when, where, why, how...
--> Can (and do) withdraw cases without consulting with you,
--> Re-instate at any time these without your approval/knowledge,
-->Can call and dispose of all State's resources (including but not limited to financial, state security apparatus army etc.)
-->Account ...?

is there a mightier person than a SP?
Makes you think, doesn't it?