Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

So, you want to go to Court, do you? Well then ....

Remember this blog....
Justice for the man in the street? Stay away from lawyers. Even the bible tells you that!

In a dispute, before running to a lawyer visualize a cow and you will see that ...

You are pulling at the horns of the cow.
The other party pulls at the tail of the cow.
Two lawyers are sitting UNDER the cow.
Your lawyer pulls at two udders.
The other party's lawyer pulls at the other two udders.
The bastards are laughing and having great fun.
You are both being MILKED dry!

A lawyer is paid for his time, not for being efficient and never to resolve a dispute between two parties.

The dispute resolution is the prerogative and job of the Magistrate / Judge.
That is why they are being paid for, by you as a tax payer!

The lawyers job is to create the dispute and bring it to the Magistrate / Judge.
They too, need a job.

Definition of JUSTICE

Justice is the privilege of the one who is the most powerful: Financially, politically!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Who wants to hear the truth?

No-one really!

Ayn Rand said: "The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it."

Sadly, no-one wants to hear the truth, never mind to speak the truth!
You see, the truth hurts, it demands an effort, an open mind, to think, to digest, to question,

It is so much more convenient to sit back, relax and let someone else decide what you must think, know and do. And then, when the chickens come to roost because of your inactivity, concern, i.e. when it is too late, then people moan.

Life does not have a reverse gear...

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Friends? Trust?

You can no longer trust anyone, least of all your friends!
No wonder the French go daily on their knees and pray thus:

"Lord, help me against my friends! My enemies I can handle myself!"

Why do I say this?

Well the USA spies on their allies, Germany spies on tiny country Belgium and so one goes on and on.
Countries spy on each other, husbands on their wife, employer on employee ... Everybody spies on everybody.

Do parents spy on their children? Children on their parents?

What a rotten world... can't wait to get off it!