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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The biggest Ponzi Scam ever ...

is legal throughout the world! It operates, at times, very efficiently...

If you refuse to take part in it, you will be fined and could even be jailed!
To ensure compliance, those that run it will sell your house, empty your bank account and yes, even lay their hands on your pension money, all legal of course!

Irrespective of whether you are middle class, poor or even very poor, you contribute to the scam!

Only the very rich and powerful (running the scam) enjoy protection and the benefits of the scam.

Haven't you worked it out yet what this scam is?

Governments of course! They take money from all quarters and line their pockets. It is a very elite club (not particularly the brightest but certainly the most ruthless). They take a fortune of money from all quarters, line their bank accounts and pockets and spend some on "good governance". This so-called "good governance" is translated in some roads, military hardware, some health and education services etc.

In Africa, they perfect the system! They don't bother with education, health etc. They just go ahead and help themselves by stealing farms, raping the state coffers, transfering donor money into their own account (even in donors countries!).

The populace? You and me? Who cares? The world is not particularly short of you(s) and me(s). In fact in the eyes of the Scammers, there are too many of us on the planet in any case. Each of us wanting to eat, educate our children, a roof over our heads... what, we even want a say in the scam ... and vote! Fools, that is what they say we are. They treat us as such, they make promises (that they won't or cannot keep), give us some crumbs falling from their tables. And "we" just accept all this...

Tell me what has changed in the past thousands of years? Nothing I tell you!

Before, there was a chief of a hill, then there was a chief of a district. The name chief became unacceptable and so it was changed to King or Emperor. An this too, in time became unacceptable (especially since the royalty was passed on from parent to child, not that the quality improved...). It was then in the 20th century replaced with the title of President. Monsieur le President!

We now have Presidents all over the Place...

But the actual POWER? The visibility of that Power has shifted in the process and is now hidden. Where does that one lie? Good question!

Seek and question: You will find it...