Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Please can someone explain to me...

Why 219 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria are still held captive, married off against their will? In the 21st Century?

These girls are obviously not considered by Arab / Moslem / Chinese / The United Nations / The Americas / European including Vladimir / Indian and worst of all AFRICAN leaders as our daughters!

Answer me this question: Imagine that one of those girls would have been the daughter of one of those leaders, do you think that that leader's daughter would still be held captive, 6 months later?

Pity that Moshe Dayan is no longer with us! He had one eye, but what an eye!

Shame ... shame ... You have to feel sorry for African leaders...

Yes, one would almost cry out of pity for the b.....s! Why?

The leaders in Africa are shit scared! They need a convoy of at least 6 vehicles with blaring sirens to warn you: Here comes someone SO important that you better get out of the way, old chap.
If you don’t... well suffer the consequences!

You really have to feel sorry. They are never able to be alone, or to walk on the beach, go shopping or worse of all go, like the King and Queen of the Netherlands for a stroll at the beach to enjoy fresh sea air and mingle with the crowds.

Now compare this with European Prime and other Ministers. How do they travel? How do they go to work?
They travel by train, tram, cycle or walk to work.
When they have to fly to a destination, they fly with KLM, BEA or Air whatever.
If they "enjoy" a protection, it is certainly not visible...

A friend told me that years ago when walking in the street in the Netherlands, smoking, a car suddenly stopped at his level and a lady asked him for a cigarette. Being "Dutch and generous (don't you believe this generous story), he obliged and soon the car was gone.

It happened so quick he told me that he only seconds later realised that the person asking him for a cigarette was none other than Queen Beatrix!

A chauffeur brought him the next day a packet of cigarettes, compliments of the queen!

Have no fear; this will never happen in Africa my friend!

Africa the poorest continent...

yes, that is what I heard said on the radio the other day!

Nonsense. Africa is probably the richest continent left (Antarctica’s wealth yet a guess...)

I don’t know why journalists (supposedly bright people) consistently misrepresent facts! One continuously hears when referring to a country in Africa: "X" country is one of the poorest in the world, "Y" country is one of the poorest... etc

The countries are not poor! The PEOPLE are poor. Yes, they are poor.
Why? Well because of those f....n bastards of corrupt politicians.
That is why there are poor people in Africa.

The continent is so rich that there should not even be ONE single poor person in Africa. Yet, apparently we (Africa) have the poorest people on earth, the highest mortality rate of hunger, aids, malaria etc. The survival rate of children is the lowest etc. Nothing to be proud.

Africa fed itself before UHURU (independence) came to the continent.

Soon there will be one more beggar for food: South Africa (compliments of the murderers of (white) South African farmers!)