Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ever wondered why ...

--> When your eyes are open, you believe that you are physically on top of the world and not say at the side or bottom? Now close your eyes! And gone is that feeling…

--> When you wake up, but with your eyes still closed, it is dark? Open them and close them again and it is no longer dark.

--> An individual person's personality, belief and behaviour changes when in a crowd?

--> Most people fear the unknown, uncertainty?

--> Babies cry when they are borne but few people cry when they die?

--> Governments throughout the world waste their nation's wealth on armaments while their greatest enemies are poverty and ignorance?

Do you really believe…

That the law is there to protect you?

Then consider this well-known term: “Caveat Emptor = Buyer beware!”
And we are told that this is for: Pro Bono Publico = For the public good!

What Caveat Emptor actually means is that the law
does not encourage honesty but punishes ignorance.

It smartens dishonesty!

Guess who benefits… Manus Manum Lava !

Saturday, December 06, 2008

It is called covering your ....

Ass! Of course.

Government throughout the world are doing precisely this. None want to face the electorate and admit that they are corrupt, bribed and did not do their job properly.
So what are they doing now? Adding insult to injury!

When a wound has pus or a leg has turned gangrene, you remove the puss or cut the leg off and dress the wound. You donot cover the wound and hope it will go away. It won't! It is as simple as that.

So what do they do now? They are BORROWING and PRINTING money and encouraging people to spend, spend until they will be blue in the face. Spend to prosper is the leitmotiv. In my language it is called robbing the crown jewels, consuming to-morrow's assets, spending our children's inheritance.

After all, don't politicians make promises that they have no intention of keeping? The electorate is gullible...

Ah well, who knows, maybe the Maya prediction of an end to the world on the 23/12/2012 will save their shameful faces.

I do not agree...

One bit with any of the measures that governments take to overcome the "Financial Crisis"! The crisis was long in the coming and certainly long overdue. Read my blog dd. Tuesday July 10, 2007 Stock Exchanges, an investment medium?
So? When you gamble, you win and laugh but when you loose, you take it on the chin! Big boys don’t cry! And they are right now. Sis on you!

So, what is my solution?

1- Investors own the banks. Toughies. Let the banks go bankrupt and the law take it’s course. Legislation can be passed that the innocent average person must stay in his house, the debt accumulates and repaid in the future, when possible.

Why must innocent people loose their houses and savings because they were ill advised/informed? Read the Sept 2007 blog Please, please tell me...Those careless managers who ill advised/misinformed must be prosecuted and made to pay financially and with heavy community service.

Let me add that those who professed that credit (consuming the future now) is good for the economy must be called to book too. You know whom I mean! Read the blog Sunday, June 24, 2007 Reserve Bank Option, Monday, January 29, 2007 Debts and Credits2- The capitalistic system is such that when a bargain is to be had, it will be taken up. Those Bankrupt banks will be bought up and rebuild.

2- Commerce and industry going with cap in hand to government for public funds? You have to be joking. The same principle applies. Let Ford, Chrysler and General Motors hit the bankruptcy wall. Gamblers appointed the management and ran the risk.

3- We all make mistakes and have to pay for our own mistakes. I did and still do! Some 15 years ago, I was innocent and very stupid enough to believe in the justice system. There is but one justice: When we die. Until then, it is just a matter of money, power, bribery and corruption. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I lost everything, including my pension. It was my decision to take the company to court. No one else’s. Warnings on man made justice can be read in all sacred writings. Read the blog Saturday, October 14, 2006 Justice. I thought I knew better!

4- Governments must be made to account, not to their hidden masters but to the people. Again, I stated that voting should never be a right but a duty (as it is in Belgium). There does not exist a democracy when a minority votes. Read the September 2008 blog: The majority hardly EVER rules... July 2008 What? Did you say democracy? Nov 2007 The “Economist” writes utter nonsense… Tuesday, October 03, 2006 Voting, Saturday, January 13, 2007 Democracy

5- What I wrote on January 2007 still applies: Our search for happiness is natural but “No human being should consider himself happy for as long as there is hunger and suffering in this world. Happiness cannot rests on misery. Hunger cannot rest on gluttony.” The solution? Simple: Read the blogs of January 2007 A better world and August 2008 Discarded golden rules...
6- Finally… Virtually all civilisations disappeared when their bellies were full and they lost their morality. L’histoire se répète! N’est ce pas?