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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

No more spanking…

And of course goodbye “Discipline”.

Lawmakers forget that a child needs to know that it is loved. A child needs to "experience" that parental love. Loving hugs and appropriate spankings are part and parcel of that experience. Life is not one big party; an essential part of growing up is being naughty within boundaries. If these boundaries are consistently transgressed, then surely an appropriate punishment is called for. A child is not an adult with whom you can reason "all the time".The Dutch have a saying:"Wie niet horen wil, moet voelen!".Loosely translated this means: "Don’t want to listen? Than feel it!"
We were disciplined and did not do drugs or drank alcohol as to-days youth do. Neither did we kill each other in and out of schools. The children using drugs and drinking alcohol are getting younger and younger by the days. Neither did we experience sex at a young age…

The “Economist” writes utter nonsense…

When it states that democracy is dead in Belgium. It says this because Belgium still has no government, after 158 days. "So what?". What this means is that Belgians do not like powerful politicians and have (WISELY) chosen to dilute power. Politicians are meant to serve and satisfy the electorate and not their own ambitions.
The Economist also has the audacity to suggest that the country should disintegrate.
The ultimate democracy is to be found in Belgium. By law, Belgians have to go to the voting booth. What they do with their vote is their decisions.Is the Economist against the "Will of the people"?
Allow me to extrapolate the “Economist” idiosyncrasy…to the Market Place.
Would you agree with the “Economist” that an economy dominated, dictated and ruled by monopolies and oligopolies is a free Market Economy or would you say that the ultimate free economy is an economy dominated by individual pop and mom shops?