Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Go for Independance SCOTLAND ....

Yes, go for it! Vote for independence. Why? Simple...
The smaller the country, the more power to the people.
The bigger the country, the more power to politicians.

It's as simple as that. Remember: Power corrupts.

To manage a big country you need lots of monkeys in parliament and a huge structure from here to beyond yonder. You have managers who manage other managers who in turn manage say Foremen who manage supervisors who manage the (wo)man who actually WORKS !!!etc

Just look how many parliamentarians there are in China. How many in the European parliament... In India, in the U.S.

The (wo)man in the street has NO SAY. I hear you say "elections..."
Come on, don't fool yourself with those so-called democratic elections once every 4 or 5 years. They are a smoke screen and Bullshit!

As I mentioned before, Only Belgium can consider itself 100% democratic. Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand follow close. All these consider (quite rightly) that voting is a duty. The latter three fail in that they allow one to pay a small penalty for not moving his/her ass and go to vote... A disgrace.

In a big town you have a Mayor and a huge structure of paper pushers who collect huge salaries for sitting on their asses, blah blah in between tea/coffee/lunch and meetings after meetings. They do not work. They create work for the typist, the record keeper, the printer, the binder etc. All that carries no benefit to the poor mortal.
In small villages one has at most a Town manager, accountant, a secretary a couple of foremen and lots of workers. If one is unhappy, you march into the Town Manager's office, thump on the table and get action.

Years ago I was most dissatisfied with the Management of Cape Town City and marched bang into a meeting that the Town Manager was having with his immediate staff. Some 30 people were sitting around the table ... I asked who runs the show here. He got up and told me I disrupted his meeting. I told him that big boys do not cry but sort out problems. I stated my problem in front of all of them and demanded action.
I was escorted out of the building. A problem that remained unsolved for 4 weeks was sorted out within 24 hours.
He obviously did not want to be made too much of a fool.

Go to the top if you want ACTION.
Make sure you can get to the top!

This one can do when there is little or no structure (or you must be a bastard like me and know how to get your way to the top!

Crazy Europe! Look how on the one hand it collapses in small pieces while the big boys are trying to create one UNITED States of Europe.

Whenever you get the chance to vote for Independance, GO FOR IT. Rid yourself of those political vultures that scratch each others back at your expense.