Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who are we to ...

Judge that other civilisations, cultures are wrong?
And do we have the right to impose ours on theirs?
Will the world then be a better place?

I do not see a better moral world around me, on the contrary! Greed, lust, hatred, intolerance thrive at the expense of human behaviour.

We are sadly blind...

And never see the "other" person as our Mother, Father, Child, Loved one.

How different would the world then be...

Discarded golden rules...

Unfortunately, yes, they have been discarded especially by those so-called "leaders"!

Rule NR 1.: Never ask a person to do something that YOU would not:
- Do yourself.
- Want or ask your mother to do.
- Want or ask your child to do.

Rule NR 2: Never ask a person a question that you are not prepared to answer yourself!