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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hypocritical transparency...

That is what I call when our supposedly representatives vote in Parliament.
As you know in virtually all parliament (or whatever you want to call that gathering place where those leeches represent us), members have to vote NOT according to their conscience (or the way you'd like them to)but according to the PARTY LINE! It is a dictated vote from ... and by ... !!!

That means that even though they may not agree, they have to VOTE AS INSTRUCTED!
Toe the line or else!

Not in my book. Each member in Parliament should vote according to his/her conscience or the way the majority of his/her constituents want him/her to vote.
That entails keeping in touch with the people you represent.
You do not represent the party but the people, remember?

That means that voting per instruction is a SECRET VOTE as we the voter donot know who the ultimate person is that issues the instruction that those sheep follow.

Parliament is supposedly transparent. The debate is but not the vote.
Why? Because it is unknown as to who gives the instruction.

Hence my statement hypocritical transparency.