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Monday, May 25, 2015

Soon your money will be out of your control...

Ah ja? How so?
I am not going to give a lecture on the origin of "money".
However, money as we know has over the years been metamorphosed.
First you could hold it in your hands, feel and count it.
Then it became "near money" (credit, something that you were allowed to use to buy whatever you wanted).
And now your "money" is in the process of being replaced by "a computer entry".

What this means is that you are now dependent on something over which you have absolutely NO CONTROL!
You no longer trust your bank? How are you going to withdraw your money from the bank when the bank's computer is down? A "run" on the bank is no longer possible! The bank can stop it in a second!

Already in Europe there are steps to stop the use of money altogether. In Greece the government wants consumers to pay amounts over Euro 70 by card or EFT!

And as you know, the technology exists already to by just presenting your cell phone at the till.
And then... what happens when there is no electricity? Your cell phone's battery is flat?
Your cell phone has just been stolen? Your bank card is at home / not renewed?

Money is no longer wanted... When you deposit it you must pay the bank to keep it for you even though they will lend it to someone else at a huge profit! Money for jam, no pun intended...

You used to do your banking inside, then the banks made you do it outside (f.o.c. at first). Now?  They make you pay for the card... and the prcie keeps on going up and up...

And so gradually the control over YOUR money has shifted away from you to the bank.
And the control of the banks is in the hands of ... excellent question!


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