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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Africa the poorest continent...

yes, that is what I heard said on the radio the other day!

Nonsense. Africa is probably the richest continent left (Antarctica’s wealth yet a guess...)

I don’t know why journalists (supposedly bright people) consistently misrepresent facts! One continuously hears when referring to a country in Africa: "X" country is one of the poorest in the world, "Y" country is one of the poorest... etc

The countries are not poor! The PEOPLE are poor. Yes, they are poor.
Why? Well because of those f....n bastards of corrupt politicians.
That is why there are poor people in Africa.

The continent is so rich that there should not even be ONE single poor person in Africa. Yet, apparently we (Africa) have the poorest people on earth, the highest mortality rate of hunger, aids, malaria etc. The survival rate of children is the lowest etc. Nothing to be proud.

Africa fed itself before UHURU (independence) came to the continent.

Soon there will be one more beggar for food: South Africa (compliments of the murderers of (white) South African farmers!)


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