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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Saturday, December 06, 2008

It is called covering your ....

Ass! Of course.

Government throughout the world are doing precisely this. None want to face the electorate and admit that they are corrupt, bribed and did not do their job properly.
So what are they doing now? Adding insult to injury!

When a wound has pus or a leg has turned gangrene, you remove the puss or cut the leg off and dress the wound. You donot cover the wound and hope it will go away. It won't! It is as simple as that.

So what do they do now? They are BORROWING and PRINTING money and encouraging people to spend, spend until they will be blue in the face. Spend to prosper is the leitmotiv. In my language it is called robbing the crown jewels, consuming to-morrow's assets, spending our children's inheritance.

After all, don't politicians make promises that they have no intention of keeping? The electorate is gullible...

Ah well, who knows, maybe the Maya prediction of an end to the world on the 23/12/2012 will save their shameful faces.


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