Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

So what … who cares?

1- A man in Soweto has an argument with his girl friend. Locks her up with her 2-week-old baby, douses the room with petrol and sets the lot alight. So what … who cares?
2- A community in Kwazulu-Natal objects to women wearing trousers! They undress the women to their briefs, flog them, humiliate and insult them. So what … who cares?
3- Millions of women are not allowed to show their faces in public and must hide them behind a veil. So what … who cares?
4- A child of 5 months is raped in South Africa. So what … who cares?
5- A child is raped every "x" minutes in South Africa. So what … who cares?
6- A woman is raped every "y" minutes in South Africa. So what … who cares?
7- Robert Mugabe kills Zimbabweans, starves them to death and robs them of their human rights. So what … who cares?
8- Genocide in Rwanda. So what … who cares?
9- Genocide in Dafur, millions displaced. So what … who cares?
10- Millions left homeless through floods in China. So what … who cares?
11- Politicians take drugs. So what … who cares?
12- What ever happens to my neighbour. So what … who cares?

As long as:

1- It is done to your own kind i.e. white on white; black on black; yellow on yellow etc. it is O.K.
2- “I” live, have to eat, have a roof over my head, a job, to hell with the rest of the world.
Well-done Homo Sapiens. You are now civilised!


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