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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

They all play the fool with us "the people"... Just look...

Politicians play with people's minds.
Generals play with people's lives.
Lawyers play with people's liberties (and purse).
Church leaders play with their congregation's emotions.
Casinos play with people's weaknesses.
Dictators play with people's fears.
Hospitals play with patient's sufferings.
The media mocks people daily.

We the "the human beings or people" no longer exist as such. We are now called clients! We are no longer the man or the woman in the street either but are forced down ON THE GROUND! In the back of their mind the leitmotiv resounds gigglingly:

"The client is always right but not necessarily in his mind!"

Patients, ratepayers, voters, customers and others, no longer exist. We have become "clients". Hospitals, clinics, doctors now no longer have patients but clients. So do municipality, SARS, Government departments etc.

"They" no longer respect us and show it in their daily sarcasm.
We, the people are no longer taken seriously. We have been brainwashed and just accept what we are dished daily by the media.

And who controls the media?


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