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Saturday, May 31, 2014

The removal of Gender discrimination is in the hands of ...

MOTHERS! Yes it is... It will take time, maybe two generations...

Mothers must learn to take their responsibility in disciplining their children.
Saying to your child:” If you don't behave, I will tell daddy tonight!"
Ma is just a "tell-tale"!
You can just do what you want to ma (careful though, don't overstep the mark!)
Daddy (i.e. the man of the house), is the disciplinarian, he is strong.

Just as bad is " I will ask daddy to night".
Daddy has power, he decides.
Ma follows, she is weak, she has no say!

When Pa and Ma have an argument, pa always wins...
Pa and ma should not have arguments in front of their kids.

It is this type of messages and that has over the centuries, still to these re-enforces women as second class, i.e. IMHO are at the root of gender discrimination.

Children are NOT stupid. They soon learn who is who and what is what.
Even babies do...

So, mothers, it is all in your hand.
Starting from your baby onwards, "Assert yourself"


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