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Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

An independent Judiciary?

You have to be joking... The judiciary is NOT independent! It never is!

Why am I saying this?
Simple, the top brass is appointed by the government in power.
So how then can the judiciary be independent when Governments appoint them?

I suggest that in order to have a better independent judiciary it should be appointed, not by the government, but for instance by a Council or such body. The members of the Council will be appointed and represent each and all Universities in the country.
Each University appoints "x" numbers. Each University appoints its members as their representative to the Council. The council must accept all members’ credential by secret ballot.

The potential members of the Judiciary are screened, vetted and interviewed by the full Council. Transparency is assured by a full TV coverage. Representatives of the press act as independent Monitors and certify the fairness and honesty of the process and its outcome.


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