Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Friday, August 23, 2013

If you want...

to keep your position in life, you should never "Rock the boat"!

Whether it is in politics, free enterprise, and government department. Yes, in virtually any possible association of people, it hardly ever pays to "Rock the boat".

Do so at your own peril!

You run the risk of:

- Being crucified (like Jesus Christ),
- Burned at the stake (like Joan of Arc, nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans")
- Jailed for life (such as Manning now and others before and after him)
- Find yourself as a permanent free prisoner in an Embassy such as Julian Paul Assange is!

Admittedly these examples are all in the political field but, make no mistake, "Rocking the boat" in free enterprise, government department, in virtually any possible association of people, it rarely benefits the one who rocks the boat!

My question is:

- When you know that "something is wrong" and you do NOTHING about it: FOUL! Are you a coward? Poltroon? Dastard? Recreant? Milksop? or
- Are you just a realist?

Let's see...

When we see / know something to be wrong, should we (you and/or I):

1- Shout (moan) and do nothing?
2- Keep our mouth shut and suffer in silence?
3- Act!

Now you tell me...


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