Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Quo Vadis...?

Good question to ask ourselves!

What has changed in the last 50 years: We..

1) Now hand condoms to children
2) Show porn, sex and violence on TV and the Internet
3) No longer discipline our children
4) Though the "pill" allows us to control the number of children, we allow voluntary abortion
5) Demand instant gratification
6) Have increased the number of poor in the world through our greed and behaviour
7) Have endangered the future of our planet, depleted water resources, forests etc
8) Are spending the money we must still earn, to-day!
9) Use excellent soils to produce, not food, but bio-fuel!
10)Pay useless, unproductive people (i.e politicians, lawyers etc)gigantic salaries.
11)Underpay and show no respect to educators, health workers and policemen.
12)Still produce more efficient arms to kill each other instead of quality food.

... and so on and so on...


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