Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Saturday, March 24, 2007


The three major inventions /discoveries that have brought us to where we are to-day:

1- The wheel: It allowed us to travel further than our eyes could see and is the basis of industry.

2- The Print: It allowed us to record knowledge and build on it without the need to re-invent the “wheel”.

3- The “chip”: This allowed us to communicate at huge distances in an instant and store information in a tiny area.

The Future:

Which future inventions will take us further?

1- Energy: I see a “card” like a credit card. This card will load energy into whatever slot in a house or car and allow us to have “energy” on tap. It will be clean and non fossil. In fact I see it as a sort of magnetic power.

2- The Magic box: This item will be able to dematerialize and re materialize. Point it at your car, and you will be able to minimize your car so as to enable you to put it into your pocket. This item will need humans to live in peace….

I doubt that the Energy card will be available before 2050 while the Magic Box might come before the end of the century. May both be used for peaceful purposes!


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